
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Back Among The speaking

Sooooo, let's talk about the reason my last post was something like 2 months ago.  If you can believe it I have not had a computer since my last post.  I know, it seems kind of out there to think of your daily life without a computer at home.  On the contrary, it was sort of refreshing.  I noticed that neither Nate or I spent nights in front of the TV on the couch one of us on the computer the other watching TV NOT talking to each other.  And, it's not like I turned Amish or anything -- I mean I have an iPhone. 

Did you know that facebook starts freaking out a little on you when you haven't officially logged on?  WHITNEY - WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?  YOU HAVE NOTIFICATIONS AND FRIEND REQUESTS AWAITING YOU....COME BACK!  Lol.

It's a little hard to re-cap a 2 month period in your life, but I'll give it a whirl.

(1)  I got a new job.  In January.  Sorry I'm a little slow on the making my career moves public.  I am working as a Math teacher at Texas Middle School for 7th and 8th graders.  I realized after starting my volunteer time at Faith, Love, and Hope last year that I had not only a real interest in teaching, but that it came natural to me.  So, here I am! 

(2)  My new job gave me the flu.  Not taking that free flu shot back in November was obviously a bad idea.  I've never in all my 28 years had the flu, and never have taken the shot. A little over a month into teaching one of my germy little loves brought me a present to school:  Flu B. And after a week of misery and considering actually praying for death it turned into a double ear infection and bronchitis. I felt like I was living in 1887 and I had small pox, no one would come within 20 feet of me.  Nate couldn't sleep in the same bed with me, didn't want to get too close, and when people came to leave food for me in this 2 week time period they'd leave it on the porch....even my mom.  You know you're sick when your mama can't even come near you. 

(3)  Fishing season started....again.   Once again another "season" is upon us.  And by season I do not mean summer, fall, winter, spring.  I mean the only seasons Nate and Dad care about -- duck season, deer season, fishing get the idea.  Needless to say, our life has revolved a LOT around the lake.  I have been a few times, and to no one's surprise I'm an exceptional fisherwoman.  Here is proof:

Here is what Cokey does when we go fishing:  Dad makes her a pallet with a life jacket under the steering wheel column so she can lay in the shade.  D-I-V-A.

(4)  Not a newsworthy occurrence, but I saw this woman at Albertsons & could not resist taking a picture.  Just another typical day out at the grocery store, I bet she combed her closet for this little doosey of an outfit. Stay classy, San Diego.

(5)  My cousin Annette announced that they are having a GIRL!!!  And they finally told us the name (sigh of relief, refer to previous post regarding mystery name).   Her name will be Amelia Ruth Weaver.   I have been a busy bee with monogramming ideas! We are throwing her a shower May 7th and I'll post some pictures.  The theme is so cute - details coming soon.

(6)  Nate and I had our 2nd anniversary on April 25th.  Over the Easter weekend we took a trip to Hot Springs for a lot of relaxing and hanging out. On Friday I had a slight incident with some baby oil.  I have to be honest, this is not the first time baby oil and I have not agreed.  Time and time again I give a
throw back to 1992  and slather on the baby oil on my first spring/summer pool outing.  When we pulled into town and were surprised by the sun shining (forecast was for a rainy weekend) we headed straight to the pool.  Nate is definitely not a lay by the pool guy.  Usually an hour or so in he is done and ready for something new.  So, figuring I only had an hour or so of good quality sunshine time I lathered up in baby oil.  Big mistake.  Huge.  4 hours later Nate is still really enjoying our time at the pool, and I look like I've been vacationing with Lucifer in the pits of hell.

Anyway, here is a picture of us on the steps of The Arlington, my favorite hotel in Hot Springs.

Get prepared for something insanely cute people.... on Friday after the pool we went down to our room to discover a bottle of champagne and some delicious chocolate covered strawberries.  Who would've done something so sweet?  Our dogs, of course - Charlie and Cokey.  Better yet, my amazing friend LIZ who was already dog-sitting for us for the weekend sent this little present.  How lucky am I to have a friend like Liz?!?!  I knew as soon as I read the card it was from her.  Even funnier was the story she told about the guy from The Arlington who took the order and could NOT understand why he was sending up champagne and strawberries from 2 dogs. 

(7)  Multiplication has been mastered!!  My sweet baby boy at Faith, Love, and Hope named Tyrese has accomplished a task very few believed could be done.  A 9 year old little boy who started the year barely able to add has mastered his multiplication tables 1-12, and below is the proof! Not only has he accomplished this, he has brought his classroom conduct up from a grade of an F for the first two 9 weeks to now a grade of a B.  I am SO proud of him, and to see his new found self-confidence is so encouraging!  

For the 3 people who actually read this post, thanks and now that I am back from technology death I'll be posting again soon!!


  1. So glad you're back in the technological world with us! Love the updates. I subscribe to your blog but don't get any notice when you post. Do you know why?

    Love you!

  2. I secretly stalk this blog like a crazy, since talking to you/seeing you at least once a week isn't enough for me.. glad to know you're back, friend.
    oh, and ps- how lucky am I to have a friend like YOU?!
