Let me start by saying that the marathon weekend I mentioned a few posts ago was a WONDERFUL weekend - I loved every minute of it, but we couldn't have squeezed one more thing into that weekend if we tried. The word busy doesn't even do it justice. I needed a vacation from my weekend off work.
It started out with the baby shower (last post) which was preceeded by the 10:00pm trip to Walmart the night before the shower (see post referring to the trainwreck that happens when you reveal WAY too much skin at your 10pm to Walmart and top it off with white sandals).
Anyway, we had 4 more reasons to celebrate that weekend: Erin's birthday, Tucker's birthday, Reese's birthday, and Mother's Day. And there was a party for each and every one of these. That's a LOT of cake people.
Let's start with Erin. Erin likes to celebrate her birthday month, not just the actual day, so to say she's been on top of her wish list is putting it mildly. Good thing Carey is an EXCEPTIONAL gift giver and always on top of letting us know everything she's dropped hints about. (I do in fact realize I just ended that sentence with a preposition. Calm down Mitzi). But I regress.
Back to Erin. My sister has two obsessions: make-up and power tools. You're thinking what a weird combo, right? You wouldn't be thinking that if you were hustlers like Carey (her husband) and me. We are busy scheming ideas on how to make money off her many talents. I'm thinking she should have her own show on HGTV because they really struggle to find hot women carpenters/designers on that channel who can actually build stuff, and her show would be a huge hit. She's going to have to dress up while she's elbow deep in sawdust, wear boots with heels, and her hair down. She's probably going to give me a little trouble with that one, but she'll have to take one for the team. I'm going to be her manager. Well, maybe I'll have to leave that for Carey. Most likely I'll be on the crew that does all the crappy work behind the scenes when the cameras aren't rolling and the designer comes back into the house with NOT ONE paint drop on their clothes and the walls are miraculously finished. I'll head up that crew. But who cares, I'll get to travel with the fam, won't have to ever cook, I'll get to boss people around, & have a famous sister. It's a win-win.
Again, I regress.
Erin. Power tools, and lots of them. Birthday. Dinner at Zapatas. Good times. Here is her getting overly excited about a tool I know nothing about (no, I'm not referring Carey, I'm talking about the actual power tool she's holding). Get your mind straight people.
We also celebrated Tucker and Reese's birthdays that weekend. I'm still sold on the fact that the only thing you should get a kid under the age of 4 is a wrapped cardboard box filled only with tissue paper. That's the only part of any gift they like. Instead, we got Reese a set of plastic golf clubs, which he then used as a weapon. Definitely worth the 10bucks.
What is so stinking cute about a 1 year old smashing cake in his own face? I'm not sure, but it is.
Mother's Day: great day, but I didn't take a lot of pictures. Everyone went over to mom's house, we ate some great hamburgers my dad cooked, and played some baseball in the backyard with my 8 year old cousin Kade. This is not surprising though, considering my uncle (Kade's grandad) is 100% convinced the Rangers scouts are going to be calling any day now. Shout out Uncle PeeWee!!
Tucker and his cute cute cute overalls!